Widow Sewing Project

$10 - Widow Sewing Program

To economically empower widowed women in Afghanistan through training in tailoring and sewing skills to enable them to generate sustainable incomes.

Our Projects

This project will establish sewing training centers at multiple locations across Afghanistan to train widows in:

Tailoring & Sewing Skills:

Comprehensive training spanning from basic to advanced sewing machine operation, garment construction, embroidery, fabric cutting, finishing techniques and more. The focus will be on building professional tailoring expertise.

Product Development:

Training in designing, sampling and production of garments, home textiles, bags, accessories etc. per market demand. Quality control will be emphasized.

Literacy & Numeracy:

Basic courses in functional literacy and numeracy skills to help widows operate sewing businesses effectively.

Business Management:

Courses covering costing, pricing, inventory management, record keeping, marketing and basic business operations.

Personal Development:

Complementary sessions on rights awareness, life skills, health education and psycho-social counseling.

The program will provide all required sewing equipment, materials, and facilitators. Efforts will be made to:

  • Secure orders/contracts for bulk production from businesses and institutions
  • Establish sewing centers as production hubs for quality local apparel
  • Link trained beneficiaries with jobs at garment factories or markets to sell products
  • Facilitate forming self-help groups and cooperatives for joint production and marketing
  • Arrange microcredit/grants to support entrepreneurship

Key targets:

  • Train 1,000 widows across ten provinces
  • Establish 50 cooperative baking hubs in each of the provinces
  • Provide literacy/numeracy/business management training to all beneficiaries

Expected Outcomes:

  • Sustainable income generation and economic empowerment of 500 widows
  • Increased economic resilience of households through diversified livelihoods
  • Poverty alleviation through dignified employment opportunities
  • Entrepreneurial skills and options for self-employment
  • Rights and personal development awareness

Make a Difference Today

Sewing Training: A donation of $300 funds individual training, while $5,000 sponsors an entire class, equipping women with valuable tailoring skills.